Roxanne Update 260510
Posted Saturday, May 29, 2010 02:43 PM


Editor Note - This received through Cheryl Campbell
It has been a while since our last update and it has been an eventful weekend.  On Friday we disconnected the ventilator and clamped the drain from her brain.  She has had no difficulty with breathing off the ventilator through the trach tube although she does get congested in her throat from time to time. 
Through the weekend, however, she became less responsive.  The problem, we learned, was that the brain was not able to absorb the fluid very well.  The fix was to install a permanent VP shunt from the brain to the abdominal cavity in order to drain off the fluid and to keep the pressures lower.  The neurosurgeon did that Tuesday morning with good results.  Her CT scan this morning was good, the shunt is properly placed and working.  We expect her response to improve and there is some evidence of that already.
We appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much.  We need you to keep at it.
Regards.                      S&R